Hello Everyone,
And, Happy New Year!
Every year, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, hoping to create positive change. Some of the most common resolutions include:
Exercise more
Lose weight
Learn a new skill or hobby
Save money
Quit smoking
Spend more time with loved ones
Travel more
Even with the best of intentions, once the sensation of the New Year starts to dwindle, people struggle to keep their resolutions.
Why Do People Make New Year’s Resolutions Each Year If They Don’t Last?
People look at New Year’s Eve as a chance to start fresh and create new possibilities. We all have parts of our lives we want to change or improve and our resolutions may be sincere. But, without real thought as to what it will take to achieve them, many are left feeling like they failed after a lack of progress in just a few weeks or months, only leaving them feeling worse.
"Most people give up their resolutions by February entering the New Year with an all or nothing approach, no flexibility, no method of accountability and no plan to measure success--leaving them feeling overwhelmed and defeated-ultimately giving up."
Committing To Change
It’s easy to say you want to lose weight, change jobs or improve your relationship with your partner, but what are you really committed to doing in order to make that happen?
Creating change isn't just about doing something once or twice, but real, life long change requires a dedicated plan.
Make Your New Year's Resolutions Stick
1. Commit To Making A Change
Change doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time to build new habits, yet we give up on resolutions in a few weeks or months. Make the decision now that you’re going to change something meaningful for you and then commit to making it happen.
2. Set Your Goal And Be Clear On Your Why
Get clear on what you want and write it down. Writing down your goals helps to get clarity, set intention and move forward when you hit an obstacle.
And while you might want to lose 20 lbs, why is it important to you? Do you want to lower your blood pressure or have more energy to play with your kids?
When you understand your why, you will find a way to achieve it, even when things get challenging.
3. Take Small Steps
It's helpful to divide your big goal into smaller goals that are more do-able.
Many of us tend to be over-achievers when it comes to resolutions. We have the best of intentions and may take on a goal that is too big.
4. Measure Your Progress
If your New Year’s resolution is to be healthier, how will you measure it? Is it drinking 6 glasses of water a day, eating two cups of vegetables at lunch and dinner, exercising 3x/week for 30 minutes? Set a reasonable timeline for your goals and measure your progress along the way.
5. Rome Wasn't Built In A Day
As you move forward on your journey, know that there will be challenging times. When faced with a setback, don’t give up. Learn to have compassion for yourself and the process. Remember your why! Before you know it, you’ll turn your obstacles into opportunities in no time.
Wishing you a 2023 filled with good health, happiness and peace.