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6 Caffeine Alternatives

Writer: Amy SalmanAmy Salman

According to a study conducted by New Scientist magazine, 90% of North American adults consume some form of caffeine on a daily basis, making this legal, psychoactive substance the world's most widely used drug. People love their caffeine because it increases energy levels first thing in the morning, boosts mood, and enables them to get through their work day. However, when you drink too much caffeine, it can have negative side effects such as headaches, fatigue, moodiness, sugar cravings, and insomnia. Luckily, there are healthier alternatives to caffeine that help boost energy, warm you up, mimic the taste, and provide your body with antioxidants and nutrients!

Healthy caffeine alternatives:

Ginseng is an herbal extract taken from the ginseng root. It is considered as one of the alternatives to caffeine because it has the same uplifting effect as caffeine by increasing blood flow. It provides a slow release of energy, which means no more mid-afternoon crash! You can consume ginseng by eating a capsule, drinking it in tea or adding it to food as a supplement.

Coconut water is milky-clear in color and lightly sweet. Naturally full of bioactive enzymes, potassium and beneficial electrolytes, it makes for a great energy drink. Its properties will make you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

Teeccino is a delicious blend of organic herbs like chicory, carob, dandelion or barley, plus fruits and nuts that are roasted and ground to brew like coffee or steep like tea. With Teeccino, people experience an energy boost that comes from nutrients, not stimulants like caffeine. A cup of Teeccino keeps your energy steady and balanced, but won't provide that jolt and subsequent crash that you can experience from too much caffeine.

Green tea, contains 25-45 mg of caffeine per cup, a lot less than a cup of coffee. It also contains naturally occurring polyphenols which are strong antioxidants that help protect your cells against the harmful effects of free radicals. There are also a wide variety of caffeine-free teas in the market that can refuel your energy because they are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and many other nutrients.

Ginkgo Biloba has been used in Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. It has been used for increasing focus, energy, and overall well-being. Although there’s no standard recommendation for daily Ginkgo Biloba supplements consumption, most studies on the effects of this plant on cognitive function have used between 120 mg and 600 mg of extract daily, so you can start at a lower dose if you plan to take this supplement as a replacement for caffeine. And don’t forget to get advice from your doctor before taking the supplements.

Lemon water is a great, healthy alternative to caffeine. Often when you’re feeling sluggish it’s because you’re dehydrated and you need to drink more water. Adding fresh squeezed lemon to warm or room temperature water can re-energize your body and give your metabolism a boost for more efficient energy production. It also adds flavor to your water, so you’re more likely to drink it!

To your health & happiness,




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